Areanna DeRungs

你好! My name is Areanna and I’m originally from North Branch, Minn., which is roughly four hours south of here. I am majoring in design with an emphasis on digital illustration and animation. I toured BSU for the first time during my sophomore year of high school, and after that tour, I immediately knew that this is where I belonged. I felt right at home, and I can’t imagine being anywhere else. What’s even better, I give tours here! How fun is that?

There are many things I love about being up here, surprisingly enough, the cold is my absolute favorite. When it gets a little too cold outside though, I love to curl up under the covers and draw while watching my favorite movies. I’m a HUGE horror fan, and I have no problem watching the same movies over and over again. When it’s nice outside I like to sit by the lake, take a walk around campus or lay down in the courtyard and catch some sun! I’m currently in the puzzle club and possibly thinking of joining a book club!